Monday, January 03, 2011

Morning Along the Shukugawa River

A CBS Sunday Morning like walk along the Shukugawa River I took this morning. Everything is so peaceful over the New Year's holiday.

Akaoni to Aooni no Tango

(OP・ED) 赤鬼と青鬼のタンゴ OP
アップロード者 Milfy. - 音楽動画、アーティストのインタビュー、コンサートやその他色々。

I just saw this on a Songs of the 70's show on NHK. The Red and Blue Ogre Tango. BUNNIES!!!

December Nara Photo Walk

Last month I went on a photo walk with my boss and a coworker. We had a wonderful time and really stretched our legs. It was enjoyable experiencing photography with other people. I typically do all my photo taking alone, with headphones on, lost in my own mind. This time I was giving and getting suggestions along the way. My boss also introduced me to Byakugoji, an amazing hillside temple that I hadn't visited yet. One of the most amazing temples that I've been to. So pristine and stoic in it's simple beauty. I'll be talking more about Bayakugoji in a later post.

I took about 300 shots on our walk and cut that down to 5 that I'm happy with. Here are those shots from my December Nara photo walk.






This was my first time doing a photo walk, and I hope it wont be the last. Thanks Mr. M and Mr. Y.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year 2011 from sleepytako!

Happy New Year everyone and thanks for following, reading and watching this space.
Translation: Happy New Year! We have a new member in our family this year. Please welcome her kindly.
(somethings just don't translate well into English)
Koguma's New Year Message is here.