Sunday, April 06, 2008

Kenrokuen 兼六園


Kenrokuen is Kanazawa city’s biggest tourist attraction and rightly so. The garden truly put me into a trance. If the rain hadn’t startled me from that trance I might still be there wandering around the garden. That rain did however cast the garden in soft light that made it practically glow. Great for taking photos, but not to great for cameras. Besides the garden it was wonderful seeing so many foreign tourists walking around the park. While Japan continues to amaze me, I’ve become accustomed to living here over the last 3 years. I no longer have that sense of awe and wonder that comes from being in a new country and not understanding the language. Seeing the tourists made me a little jealous of their experience. Going there on your first trip to Japan must be even more mind blowing than my experience.




1 comment:

flyingparsnip said...

The first picture looks so unreal. The new lens really changes the feel Almost a set.... I expect to see a kids train come chugging through.