Friday, November 17, 2006

Where there's dirt...

IMG 9398

First in the if there's some dirt let's grow something there series.

I'm not too sure what veggie someone are growing in this little scrap of land between the kaiten sushi parking lot and the alley way leading to my apartment, but its being protected from the cold.

Besides that, I'm guessing that whoever owns that chunk of exposed dirt turned veggie garden has no clue it's being used as such. Or maybe they do know and they are getting a cut of the veggies. Anyhow, this appeared 2 weeks ago and has just grown non-stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that they are very well taken care of. This is funny. And the picture just made me want to grow some plants anywhere if there's dirt...bulbs of tulips and such...And reap what you sow!